
Pillar Baptist Church is committed to deepening the Christian’s understanding of the Bible and theology. We offer a range of classes taught by our seminary trained elders and pastors. Our goal is to further equip the members of Pillar Baptist Church to live out the Christian faith in a world that is increasingly opposed to God’s Word and the Gospel.


Each class is designed to encourage students to deeper study and application. These classes are only offered to current members of Pillar Baptist Church. For more information about membership, please refer to our membership page.


Our curriculum is organized around 5 core classes. Students will have access to various electives as they work their way through the core curriculum.

Core Classes


This course will help students fine tune their interpretative skills as they study and apply the principles of hermeneutics. The course will focus primarily, but not exclusively, on the epistle of 1 John when applying the principle covered in each section.


This course is an in-depth study of the theology and practice of evangelism designed to equip students to
effectively share the gospel in any context, to respond appropriately to the issues raised as they share the gospel, and to train others in a variety of skills related to the Great Commission mandate.

The Worshipping Church

This course will study the foundations and history of Christian worship from Old & New Testament worship to the present. We will survey the major doctrines, biblical principles, movements, and persons that arose within the church that has impacted its liturgy, hymnody, and both private and corporate worship. This class will seek to answer: what is worship?

Christian Life

This course is an introduction of basic doctrines for Christian living—conversion, faith, repentance, justification, regeneration, adoption, union with Christ, and sanctification so that the Christian can comprehensively understand their identity and the richness of “so great a salvation.” We will also explore the ordinary means of grace whereby a Christian can grow into Christlikeness.

Christian Worldview

This course is an introductory study of the Christian worldview, with an emphasis on its application to family, work, and culture.


Creeds & Confessions

Creeds and confessions have been used by the church since the 1st Century to clarify the Bible’s teaching, build unity, and safeguard the church against false teaching. Despite all heresies, the church repeatedly returned to the Scriptures and confessed what they believed the Word of God taught in the creeds and confessions. This course will focus on the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed, the Chalcedonian Formula, and the 16th & 17th Century creeds of the Reformation.

Biblical Covenantalism

This course is the study of God’s unfolding message of redemption to bring a people to Himself through covenantal relationship. We will explore how God uses the covenant as a framework to elucidate the storyline of the Bible that centers upon the glory of Jesus Christ. By correctly understanding God’s covenants in history, a solid foundation will be laid for grasping how the Bible (in both testaments) fits together. Students will learn how God’s covenants provide the foundation and structure for life so that we may grow deeper in our knowledge of God, greater awareness of God’s agenda in the world, and a stronger sense of what it means to live as His people.

Church History I

This course will introduce students to the peoples, controversies, and movements of the Early/Ancient Church.

Church History II

This course will introduce students to the peoples, controversies, and movements of the Medieval Church.

Church History III

This course will introduce students to the peoples, controversies, and movements of the 16th Century Reformation on the European continent.

Church History IV

This course will introduce students to the life and times of the 17th Century Puritans. Students will learn about who the Puritans were, what they believed, how they lived, and what we can learn from them today.


This course is an in-depth study of the gifts of apostleship, healing, tongues, and prophecy. This class will examine the purpose of these gifts during the foundation-laying process of the early church—to point to and authenticate the apostles as revealers of divine truth and never intended to be characteristics in the life of the church.

Doctrines of Grace

This course is a historical introduction to the Synod of Dort and the 17th century debates between the Calvinists and the Arminians. This class will further unpack and explore the Reformation’s TULIP.

The 5 Solas of the Reformation

This course is an introduction to the scriptural and theological foundations of the 17th Century Reformation. The Five Solas are at the center of what distinguishes the protestant faith from Roman Catholicism.

Christian Ethics

This course is an introduction to Christian ethics with attention given to biblical and theological foundations, methodology, various types of ethical thought, and Christian responsibility in relation to contemporary moral issues. Students will study and understand the relationship between Natural Law (General Revelation) and Special Revelation in making moral demands upon society.

The Christian Family

Puritan, Richard Baxter, characterized the home as a little church—a society of Christians combined for the better worshipping and serving of God. The objective of this course is to help you to understand what God intended for the family. What is the role of a husband? A wife? And how do they together cultivate a home of worship for their children? Areas of topic that will be included in this course will be parenting and education.

The Puritans and Puritanism

This course introduces students to the Puritan era of 16th and 17th century England. Puritanism, rightly understood, is not the Christianity of a bygone age but a Christianly for the ages. At the center of Puritanism, in all its expressions, was the supreme authority of God’s Word: Sola Scriptura. An ideal that is sorely missing in the church today.

More Information

For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact education@pillarbaptist.com.