We gather every Sunday at 1:30 pm as a church in order to worship God through the forms and elements commanded and exampled in the Scripture. Each service is characterized by the reading and exposition of God’s Word, solemn prayer, the singing of psalms, doctrinally rich hymns and choruses, and the giving of our offerings and tithes.
At Pillar Baptist Church, we believe that the center of corporate worship — the most important worship we do — is the hearing from God through his preached Word. The preaching at Pillar is strictly expository, meaning that each sermon will seek to declare the main point of the biblical passage in view. Furthermore we believe that all preaching should be Bible saturated, Christ centered, and Gospel oriented.
The music we sing at Pillar Baptist is a blend of old and new, with an emphasis on singing the truths of our Faith. We strongly prefer congregational singing (which emphasizes the gathered body singing praise to God with one voice) over performed music (which tends to spotlight the abilities of some while encouraging passivity in the rest).